Letter to the editor: We can work toward a more civil union

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To the editor:

It has become increasingly more obvious that civility is taking a back seat in our lives.

Personal wants, rather than personal needs, take precedence.

This expresses itself in many aspects of daily life on both a local and a national level.

Together, we can make a significant difference by reversing this downward spiral.

How can we stop this trend, is the question?

Take an active role in supporting CIVILITY.

The steps we can take are relatively simple.

Appreciate what our friends and fellow citizens are doing to make us more civil. Be courteous and more helpful to others.

A word of appreciation goes a long way in this regard.

Think before we criticize. Is the criticism really justified. or can we approach this in a more positive and friendly way?

A friendly and respectful attitude is always positive.

Greenfield citizens are particularly good in this regard, as compared to many other areas.

Parents bear a significant responsibility in bringing up their young ones to appreciate the benefits of being civil in their lives. Teach by example.

Please remember that there are already counterproductive forces out there.

The outside effects of both media, in all its forms, and other people can be counterproductive, but don’t lose heart: The benefits will far outweigh the negatives over time.

At a national level, we see the effects of incivility, which is publicized on an instantaneous basis.

The current trend is to say what you want to say without considering the consequences.

When you see this, object to it in a civil and rational manner.

Remember, it’s not what goes into your mouth that determines your character, but what comes out.

John Shaw
