Jail project needs ultimatums

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Jail project needs ultimatums

To the editor:

Well, I guess congrats are in order to the incumbent council members who were re-elected, although it would have been nice to see some fresh minds and faces elected. As it stands, the jail project is still in total disarray. Most likely, it’ll come down to the courts ordering a jail built and a deadline due to excessive overcrowding just like the Vigo County jail article that the Daily Reporter conveniently placed above our jail article (“Court gets Vigo jail timeline,” Nov. 10, Page A5).

As always, RQAW engineering of Carmel is the winner in all this mess to the tune of $1.5 million.

Let’s just suppose this was a private business, and the owner tells his engineers: “Here’s $40 million. I want a 500-person capacity, no-frills jail built on land I already own. Here’s your two options: Get it done for that amount and on time or you’re fired, and I’ll have your replacements in here next week that will get it done.”

And kudos to Marc Huber for helping save county money. What a concept!

Dennis V. Dunn
