Don’t be discouraged; continue to shine light

20150328dr adcock mark

Dear Pastor,

I am simply writing to ask you to pray for me as I am going through a season of hopelessness and discouragement. It seems to me that Christians today are losing their courage because the world has become so hostile. I feel like my faith is constantly under attack. And this community, which I have loved and invested in for all my life, seems marred by struggles beyond anything I have ever known in my lifetime. The murder rate in Indy is up and continues to climb. Drug abuse and addictions are destroying families. Suicide rates in America continue to climb, and more children are in foster care than ever before. I am brokenhearted and don’t know what to do. Please pray for me and others like me. Pray that we can stand firm in faith and not give up hope.


Brokenhearted in Indiana

Dear Brokenhearted in Indiana,

Do not despair, for God is not finished yet! I want to remind you that throughout history, God has shown Himself in what appeared to be hopeless situations. A few Biblical examples are when the boy David defeated the giant Goliath; when the people of God were backed against the Red Sea and had an army of hostile Egyptians ready to destroy them, and the sea parted; or when it appeared that evil had won and the Son of God lay dead it a tomb. But on the third day, God delivered His people.

Be reminded, Brokenhearted, that God is all-powerful and is always more than able. In His time, He will make Himself known!

I agree with you that at a glance, the world in which we live seems to be a very dark place. But light always wins. In fact, light banishes darkness.

The Apostle John wrote centuries ago that Jesus came as light into the darkness. Everywhere he went, darkness was beaten back.

In John 8:12, Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” Jesus went on to teach in Matthew 5:14-16, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Living faithfully in this dark world is the call of every follower of Christ. The promise of God is that darkness will not have the last word. Light will reign. And victory begins when we do what Jesus calls us to do … when we represent him with love and compassion. Let us not be discouraged, for God has a plan.

I leave you with this paraphrase of one of my favorite quotes: “It is a great day to be a Christian! For light shines the brightest in the darkest hour.” — Stu Weber

Editor’s note: Today’s column features a representative sample of questions Adcock receives, presented as if they were asked in an advice column.

Mark Adcock is pastor of New Life Christian Fellowship in Fortville. Send comments to [email protected].