Libertarian candidate voices concerns


Libertarian candidate voices concerns

To the editor:

One thing disturbing me about the recent primaries is the number of qualified candidates who ran great campaigns, putting forth great ideas that were soundly defeated by running politicians who said nothing but “I support the president” or “I will introduce a bill to impeach the president.”

First, in a nation of more than 300 million people, our congressional elections should be about more than one person.

Second, I support much of the president’s agenda such as reducing regulations and the size of federal agencies and reducing taxes and using diplomacy with the North Koreans.

However, if you are not going to travel to Washington with ideas of your own and plans to address the unique concerns of the constituents in your district, you are unnecessary.

Third, the point of having three branches of government is to have a balance of power with each being a check on the others. No matter what party holds the executive office, no member of the legislative branch should just be an extension of the executive branch. This has contributed to not only the unhealthy expansion of the power of the executive branch, but the expansion of the federal government into more areas of our lives. And the more government we have, the less individual freedom we have.

Tom Ferkinhoff

Libertarian Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives

Sixth District of Indiana