Pence has the experience to lead

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To the editor:

What makes an effective Congressman? This is a question every voter should ask themselves. With the primary election quickly approaching, the Hoosiers of East Central Indiana need to decide what issues are important to them and what kind of representation they want in Washington, D.C. Choosing the right candidate and voting is one of the most important and paramount decisions people have to make.

I got to meet congressional candidate Greg Pence at a Lincoln Day Dinner recently, and I was very impressed. First impressions are always very important. I told Mr. Pence I was from Knightstown. We then started talking about the Hoosier Gym where they filmed the movie “Hoosiers” and a gem for the town of Knightstown. I appreciated how friendly he was and his knowledge of our small town.

I work at a Honda supplier in Greenfield. Greg Pence had recently toured our facility, but I told him I missed the visit because I work third shift. I told Pence how much we appreciated him touring our facility. I could tell his genuine concern for economic development through our conversation. As a business owner, Pence understands how important job creation is.

I am also very grateful to Greg Pence for serving our country in the Marines. Service and self-sacrifice is something Pence knows something about. We need to take time to thank our men and women who have served in the military. My mother’s brother was a Marine who was killed in the Korean War; she is very impressed with Mr. Pence’s service.

For me, the question of what, or more importantly who, would make an effective Congressman has been answered. The answer is Greg Pence. As one of his potential constituents, I would appreciate his representation for us in Washington, D.C. I believe Greg Pence’s experience, tenacity toward economic development and service to our country make him the most viable candidate. So, please, join with me on Tuesday, May 8, in voting for Congressional candidate Greg Pence.

Bart Whitesitt
