Auditor endorses Shelby for County Council

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To the editor:

I’m urging my fellow residents of Hancock County Council District 3 to vote for Jim Shelby.

Jim’s experience serving on the council and as a successful businessman makes him infinitely qualified to deal with the tax, financing, revenue projection and budgeting issues that fall within the responsibility of the County Council. He knows and understands the many laws and rules governing finances.

He is a true fiscal conservative, always seeking efficiency and effectiveness in county government operations. He focuses on keeping the costs to county taxpayers low while at the same time urging quality service for those taxpayers. Hancock County’s favorable tax rates are a plus in the county’s economic development efforts.

County Council District 3 is totally within the city of Greenfield, and Jim listens to the concerns of residents of his district and articulates those concerns to others in county government. He readily seeks input from those who will be affected by proposals relating to county government. He wants to know the complete picture and all of the facts before voting on an issue before the council.

He is an independent voice for the constituents of District 3.

Jim is a planner and a problem solver, skills learned in part via his background as an electrical engineer (bachelor of science in electrical engineering degree from Purdue) and owner of three successful businesses (supported by a master’s in business administration from Butler). Calling stakeholders together for a “strategic planning session” is often his way of seeking consensus on solutions to county issues.

He has pledged to seek the most cost-effective and meaningful solution to the jail overcrowding issue.

He was born in Greenfield, raised his three now-adult children here and participated in/led numerous local organizations and civic efforts.

His experience, education, work ethic, integrity, skill set, dedication to make Hancock County a better place for future generations and fiscal conservatism were recently recognized by the Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors when they endorsed Jim Shelby as the candidate they were urging their members to support for election to the Hancock County Council, District 3 seat.

Please cast your vote for Jim Shelby for Hancock County Council, District 3.

Robin Lowder

Hancock County Auditor