Vote yes on jail referendum and split the cost


To the editor:

Mr. Borowicz asks everyone to vote no for the country jail referendum (“Vote no on jail referendum, make others pay their share,” April 14, A4).

It is my opinion that if you vote no, only those people who have not reached their property tax caps will be the ones paying for the new jail in full. This will affect those living in older homes, the elderly, middle- and low-wage earners, and the poor.

It will have a severe impact on those living on fixed incomes and farmers. Those most affected will be those people who live east of State Road 9, as most of them have not reached their property tax caps. Those living west of State Road 9 will be the least affected, as most of them have reached their property tax caps.

The new jail is going to go through no matter how we vote. My suggestion would be to vote yes for the new jail. That way all those owning property in Hancock County will be paying for the jail regardless of whether they have reached their property tax caps or not.

However, a more fair way to do this is to have a split: 50 percent from property taxes paid by all homeowners (regardless of tax cap) and 50 percent from those who earn wages.

Those owning property in Hancock County that have not reached their property tax caps have been unfairly paying for every bond written in this county. The ones who have been above the tax caps have never contributed to the payment of these bonds. It is time that everyone in Hancock County contribute their fair share.

Fred Dunlevy
