Taco Bell receives variances for McCord Square location


The proposed Taco Bell location is located within the northernmost part of McCord Square, the Gateway District.

A new Taco Bell location is on track to come to McCordsville in the McCord Square Pavillion following the approval of three zoning variances by the McCordsville Board of Zoning Appeals.

McCord Square Pavillion, located on the northern edge of McCord Square, is within the McCord Square Gateway District, the only part of the McCord Square development area dedicated to vehicle-oriented commercial lots, such as businesses with drive-thru elements, McCordsville Director of Planning and Building Ryan Crum said while introducing the petition.

Taco Bell requested two variances related to the construction of its driveway due to the lot’s small size — a setback reduction to create space for the driveway, which staff noted was offset by utilities to the west of the property, creating a natural gap between the proposed development and any future improvements, and the moving of required planting beds so that they do not interfere with the drive-thru and are more visible. The petitioner also requested a variance on its trash receptacle enclosure, which due to the building having multiple frontages, would technically be located within one of the front yards.

The three variance requests all received favorable recommendations from staff with one condition, that the drive-thru be landscaped similarly to a perimeter parking lot in order to aesthetically offset both of the drive-thru related variances.

After a short questioning period and no residents speaking during public comment, all three variances were unanimously approved with the landscaping condition.