Mental fortitude: Roadhouse Jiujitsu and Boxing joins in Greenfield Fitness


James Moore is pictured with a women’s class at Roadhouse Jiujitsu and Boxing.

Submitted photo

Editor’s note: The Daily Reporter will feature our “Neighbors” regularly, whether it be someone with an interesting hobby or profession, or a nonprofit group making a difference in our community. Here, Coach James Moore shares about his business, Roadhouse Jiujitsu and Boxing, which opened in 2023 and partnered with Greenfield Fitness earlier this year. Moore has been training in jiujitsu and boxing for 15 years.

Daily Reporter: What type of person can benefit from jiujitsu?

James Moore: I believe everyone should train jiujitsu, from young to old. I tell people every day they’re not old, they’re just not flexible. I have personally lost 40 pounds just from the beginning. Many of our students have lost a lot of weight but also packed on strength and muscle.

DR: what does jiujitsu and boxing do to benefit the body and mind?

JM: The pressure we feel on the mat and in boxing prepares us for the adversity we experience in life. When we harden our minds it develops our mental fortitude on and off the mats.

 Children and adults of all ages take part in Roadhouse Jiujitsu and Boxing, now located in downtown Greenfield at Greenfield Fitness. Submitted photo

DR: How have you personally benefited from martial arts?

JM: Jiujitsu saved my life. Without it I would still be overweight with high blood pressure.

DR: Why did Roadhouse Jiujitsu partner with Greenfield Fitness?

JM: Running a gym can be very expensive. Most people don’t understand the hidden cost. Partnering with the Greenfield fitness has allowed us to be able to lower our cost per Student and offer a cleaner, drier space, with adequate heating and air conditioning. We decided to partner with the Greenfield Fitness in July 2024. Roadhouse has experienced constant growth ever since.

DR: What makes your program special?

JM: The Roadhouse is more than just a gym. We are a family-oriented gym. We are involved in each others lives outside the gym and friends on and off the mat. I’ve often said the gym is like a sanctuary but it ain’t no church. But we support and care for one another like a church.

Jeff Jones of Greenfield Fitness and I came together to give both our gyms greater longevity to serve this community and be able to offer quality classes, professional weight lifting equipment, and 24/7 access. There is no other place in central Indiana offering their students what we can offer. We not only offer the equipment but a life-changing family, support, and coaching for all ages and all body types. We have kids classes for all ages as well as women’s only classes and adult classes.

 James Moore is pictured with a women’s class at Roadhouse Jiujitsu and Boxing. Submitted photo

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