Daily Reporter wins 3 categories, places in 12 at HSPA awards


The Hoosier State Press Association held its annual conference and awards luncheon on Friday, and the Daily Reporter won three categories and took home awards in several others.

Staff Photographer Tom Russo won the Best General News Photo, Best Sports Feature Photo and Best Portrait categories for non-daily newspapers with circulations of at least 1,500. He also took home second in all three categories, as well as second place for Best Sports Action Photo and Best Feature Photo and third place for Best Multiple Picture Group.

Reporters Anne Durham Smith and Lacey Watt also took home awards, with Smith earning third place for Best Profile Feature and Watt taking second and third in Best Short Feature Story.

Blue Ribbons were given to Daily Reporter sister paper The Republic in Columbus and the Tribune-Star in Terre Haute for the best non-daily and daily newspapers in the state, respectively.