Letter to the Editor: Why are Republicans refusing to participate?


To the Editor:

Where are the Republicans in our local elections?

Recently, the League of Women Voters invited all local and state candidates who are a part of Hancock County to participate in candidate forums allowing them to discuss their platforms and local issues. Every Republican candidate REFUSED to participate. The Democratic and Libertarian candidates agreed and planned to be there.

One can only wonder why the Republicans refused to participate in a discussion with the political opponents. Is it because they assume they will win and allowing citizens to hear from them is a waste of their time? Is it because they are afraid that the Libertarian and Democratic candidates know the issues better than them and they would look unprepared? I don’t know about you, but personally, I think it is very disgraceful and shows a lack of respect for citizens of Hancock County by refusing to participate in the full electoral process.

Liza Sumpter
