Adkins: Any doubts of VP’s capabilities evaporated during debate


Michael Adkins

Much of the doubt about the vice president’s capabilities were resolved during the Harris-Trump debate. Unlike previous Trump debate foes who built their case against Trump as a powerful and dangerous man, Harris took another tactic. She successfully drew out a picture of a very weak person.

Besides looking for Harris capabilities, I wanted to see which candidate stood up to what a vast majority of Americans seek in a leader. They want honesty. A poll taken while Biden was in the race revealed a majority concern over honesty rather that old age. They want a leader who is highly intelligent. They want someone who will take accountability, a person for whom the Truman adage “The buck stops here” is more than wistful thinking. They want a president who is clearly looking out for a majority of the people and their future.

All these and more were answered during the debate; a debate in which even most of the Faux News team and many of Trump’s supporters admit Harris clearly dominated. As for the search for an honest leader, that was always going to be easy. Harris was untruthful about a couple issues. Trump did not lead us into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. That distinction is still held by President Bush. As for her claim that Trump would sign a national abortion ban, he has never said that, in large part because he believes the matter was settled by the Supreme Court. One should note though his clear disappointment when he admitted red state voters turned on this GOP priority.

So, shame on her. But if you had a scorecard handy, you probably tossed it away early on as Trump lied and lied again, even doubling down after his lies were debunked. He continued his Big Lie, even promising as he has for the past 3 ½ years to show massive evidence of fraud. You may recall the special committee he formed to reveal all this fraud disbanded without finding any evidence.

The next biggest lie, the devastating rise in violent crime, most of which he claims is committed by undocumented immigrants. When the hosts pointed out FBI data totally shows the opposite to be true, Trump called their report a “fraud.” Crime rates among immigrants is, in fact, the lowest of all demographics. They clearly want to be here and fear being sent away. The vast majority of crime in America, statistics show, are committed by American-born.

Trump’s attack on the Biden administration over inflation is one that many approve, and though it is not a lie to claim we have suffered from inflation, he did lie about it being the worst inflation this nation has suffered. Trump will not admit America has the lowest inflation rate among the world’s industrialized nations.

One of Trump’s oft-repeated lies points to his lack of intelligence. Again, he claimed that “China and Japan” will have higher costs after he imposes massive tariffs.

It simply does not work that way.

To claim tariffs won’t add to the prices of consumer goods … goods affected by his tariffs had price increases well above the inflation rate. Washers and dryers went up over $200 after Trump’s tariffs and dropped $75 after Biden ended the tariff.

Trump tried to hold Harris accountable for Biden’s record, but VPs do not administer the federal government. Never have and never will. Trump, as always, refused to take responsibility for anything that goes poorly. Given the opportunity to offer up any regrets for 1-6-21, he instead said he was merely asked to give a speech, and then blamed Pelosi and the police.

People also seek maturity in their leaders. His taking the bait and losing his composure every time Harris dangled the bait is evidence of immaturity. Best example? Arguing over the size of his rallies. That was evidence that his ego is more important to him than the American people.

Democratic party leaders witnessed the Biden debate fiasco and decided he was not the best choice to lead the greatest country in the world. Perhaps Trump did not show quite the cognitive loss that Biden revealed, but what he did show was a clear indication that Donald Trump has no business as a world leader.

Michael Adkins is a former Chair of the Hancock County Democratic Party.