High horse: Local 4-Hers score at state fair in racing competitions


Jordyn Foley and her Appaloosa gelding, Domino, placed in every event that they entered in junior division, winning ninth place in each the pole bending, flag race and barrel racing competitions; third place in speed and action; and sixth place in keyhole race.

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GREENFIELD – Several of Hancock County’s 4-H Horse and Pony Club members placed well at the Indiana State Fair this month.

Pole bending junior division included Sissy Petro her horse Shiney, champion; Ilyana Trujjillo and Vegas, third place; Olivia Kelly and Jasper, eighth place; and Jordyn Foley and Domino, ninth place.

Flag race in the junior division included Sissy Petry and Shiney, first place; Sydney Adkins and Amos, second place; Jordan Foley and Domino, ninth place. In the senior division for flag racing, Madelyn Survant and Dude placed fifth.

Sissy Petro and her quarter horse Polomino Shiney won several awards in junior division, including champion pole bending; champion keyhole race; first place flag race; and second place barrel race. Earlier this year, the duo won Top Junior 4-Her at the Hancock County 4-H Fair, as well as High Point Junior Contesting.

Barrel racing junior division included Sydney Adkins and Amos, champion; Sissy Petro and Shiney, second place; Jordyn Foley and Domino, ninth place. Barrel racing senior division had Bebe Petro and Prince placing third.

Under speed and action, junior division, Jordyn Foley and Domino placed third; Olivia Kelly and Jasper, seventh. In speed and action intermediate division, Leah Novit and Ripley placed third. The senior division for speed and action had Aubrey Lahrman and Playboy placing fourth; Cady Lahrman and Abby, sixth; and Madison Engleking and Echo, seventh.

In keyhole racing, junior division, Sissy Petry and Shiney earned champion; Jordyn Foley and Domino, sixth; and Olivia Kelly and Jasper, eighth. In the intermediate division for keyhole racing, Leah Novit and Ripley placed third. In the senior division for keyhole racing, Madison Engleking and Echo placed fourth; Cady Lahrman and Abby, fifth; Madelyn Survant and Dude, ninth.