McCordsville has entered contract negotiations with a new garbage service provider for 2025 following a bid approval at the town council’s Aug. 13 meeting.

The bid from Macomb County, Michigan-based company Priority Waste, which has been operating regionally in Indianapolis for the past year, was selected by the town due to the low cost and additional services offered for residents.

The bid from Priority had an average cost for garbage services of $13.90 per month per resident resident over the next eight years, the lowest price by about a dollar. The base bid includes pickup of one bulk item per month for residents and all the current town facilities plus five to be added at a later date at no additional cost. The council also accepted additional bids for recycling and fall/spring yard waste pickup at average rates of $3.34 and $0.59, respectively.

The biggest change for residents from McCordsville’s previous vendor is the shift to curbside recycling pickup. In a town survey, 64.78% of over 800 respondents said they would prefer curbside pickup to the current large recycling dumpsters at McCordsville Town Hall, and the Priority bid offers that option. Each household will receive a recycling bin in addition to its garbage bin for pickup.

A week will be chosen by the town and Priority in both the spring and the fall for yard waste pickup when residents will be allowed to put out up to 15 bags of yard waste up to 35 gallons and 50 pounds apiece.

If residents need a second garbage bin, they can request one from Priority for a one-time fee of $125 with no change to monthly cost going forward.

The council pushed the bid through with little pushback, as the entire council was happy with the price and in favor of the recycling changes. Council president Greg Brewer noted that he felt non-McCordsville residents were abusing the current recycling system, bringing in items from other towns. He felt that the switch to curbside would help mitigate that problem.

Dan Velet, vice president of municipal sales for Priority, said the company also offers commercial garbage offerings for the area.