Hope for Living: Struggling with unbelief? Do this…


“I believe! Help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24), a dad cried out to Jesus as his son experienced another violent fit from an evil spirit that tormented him.

Dad was at the end of his hope. Even though Jesus was right there in front of him, he couldn’t muster 100% faith that what was happening to his son could be healed.

That is the same tension we live with all our lives. Even after experiencing Jesus in our own hearts, after seeing Him work in our lives and family, believing is difficult when there is something our eyes are seeing, ears hearing, hearts feeling, happening right in front of us.

We hear Jesus’ words to us: “Anything is possible for him who believes!” But our senses tell our unbelief something else.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” It’s the strength of our certainty and surety that cause us to feel this tug of war between belief and unbelief.

I’ve found a few simple questions can be helpful when I’m struggling with unbelief. Ask yourself, “What am I looking at?” Staring down problems only makes them bigger and harder and more problematic. “Turn your eyes upon Jesus,” the old song goes. He is big enough, strong enough and smart enough to tackle your problem.

When you’re fighting with unbelief, ask yourself, “What am I listening to?” We tend to let the “what if”s fill our ears when our faith is feeling small. What if this doesn’t go away? What if I can’t make it? What if God doesn’t show up? What if, what if, what if!

Instead of listening to the “what if”s, listen to what Jesus says. He says, “Anything is possible for him who believes.” He says, “Your sins are forgiven.” He says, “Peace be still.” He says, “I will never leave you.” Fill your ears with what He says and help your unbelief.

When your unbelief is beating up your faith, ask yourself, “What am I doing?” Is there anywhere else in life you are living by faith? Maybe your faith isn’t big enough for the big thing, but are you able to walk by faith in smaller things? Small steps of faith today will help you take big steps of faith tomorrow because you’ll have the experience of Jesus showing up to help your unbelief.

And then just pray the same prayer this dad did in Mark 9: “I believe, help my unbelief!” It tells Jesus how you’re feeling about what it is you’re facing in an honest and simple way. It expresses fears and worries and hope all at once.

Jesus healed the boy after this prayer. Maybe all He is looking for from you is an honest confession and cry from your heart to answer you in your life. He is good, He is faithful, He will hear you and he will answer.

Greg Ruble is lead pastor of Living Streams Community Church in McCordsville. This weekly column is written by local clergy members.