Hunt given 46-year term, actual time served will be less


Akeenen Anton Lamar Hunt, 34, Fishers

HANCOCK COUNTY — The Fishers man who was recently convicted of raping, kidnapping and other crimes against a woman living in Hancock County was given a 46-year prison term during a sentencing hearing Tuesday in Hancock County Circuit Court.

Akeenen Anton Lamar Hunt, 34, Fisher was found guilty on 15 criminal counts July 19 following a four-day jury trial. The guilty counts against Hunt included rape, kidnapping, intimidation, domestic battery and criminal recklessness stemming from an incident in of Dec. 2023.

While the term against Hunt is over four decades at the Indiana Department of Corrections (IDOC), 30 years are to be executed in prison with 16 years suspended via five years with community corrections and the next 11 years through probation.

The court also ordered a no-contact order against Hunt for the victim, told Hunt he had to register as a sex offender for life and noted a case against Hunt in Hamilton County could run consecutively with this sentence.

Hancock County Chief Deputy Prosecutor Aimee Herring was disappointed in the sentence and had asked Judge Scott Sirk to sentence Hunt to an 80-year term at the IDOC with 65 years to be executed and 15 suspended. She also wanted Hunt on sex offender probation, which would have included sex offender registration for life, and she insisted on a no-contact order for the victim. Herring also wanted the sentence to run consecutive to a Hamilton County and two other casse pending in Hancock County where Hunt has been accused of dozens of violations surrounding a current no-contact order against the victim.

Prosecutor Brent Eaton said his office is disappointed in the decision the court made on the time to be served because it allowed many of the 15 crimes Hunt committed and was found guilty of by a jury to run concurrent with other crimes.

“The decision of the court to run many of the counts concurrent has the affect of no additional penalties for almost 10 of the acts he committed, and we don’t think the defendant should be getting any freebies,” Eaton said.

Hunt was convicted following an investigation by the Greenfield Police Department into his actions on Dec. 13, 2023. That’s the day officials found an abandoned cell phone and multiple car parts in the parking lot of Little Ro’s Pub. Police were able to follow the car parts to two unoccupied vehicles parked on Melody Lane. Officers identified the vehicles as belonging to Hunt and the victim involved in the case. Police were then called to conduct a welfare check at the residence of a female who reached out to a third party asking police to respond. The residence was home to the victim, and police spoke with her to confirm she was involved in the vehicle crash.

According to the investigation, Hunt and the victim had previously been in a relationship, and he was arrested for committing domestic violence. Though the two were together a few times and talked on the phone, the victim had moved to Texas to avoid Hunt. The victim was at her former residence in Hancock County on Dec. 12, 2023 when Hunt called the victim then kicked in the back door of her home in the early morning hours of Dec. 13, 2023. Hunt left the home while the victim hid and drove away then stopped at the Walmart on North State Street. Hunt found the victim and wrecked his car into hers repeatedly. After the last vehicle crash on Melody Lane, the victim began running on foot. Hunt followed her and forcibly took the victim to her house as he threatened and physically assaulted her. Upon returning to the victim’s residence, Hunt physically assaulted and raped the victim, officials said.

Hunt was found guilty of invasion of privacy, leaving the scene of an accident with bodily injury, two counts of attempting to commit kidnapping while hijacking a vehicle, basic kidnapping, three counts of criminal recklessness committed with a deadly weapon, three counts of domestic battery in violation of a no-contact order, two counts of criminal confinement, intimidation with the threat to commit a forcible felony, and rape.

Hunt also has two other cases pending against him in the county, including one where he’s facing over 100 invasion of privacy crimes against the victim. Both cases are set for trial in late August.