Editor’s note: The Daily Reporter will feature pets of local readers occasionally, along with stories of the special bond they have with their families. Here, we share photos of furry friends enjoying summertime in Hancock County. To submit a photo of your family or farm favorite, email [email protected] and include your name, the name of your pet and a short description of what makes your pet special to you. Please include “Pets Page” in the subject line of the email.

Cindy Stoner wrote this of Biscuit: “A glance in his direction is all it takes to make him purr.”

James Christin Robinson shared this picture of “My ladies snacking in the sun! They love pumpkins and spaghetti.”

Cindy Carver said Colt loves laying in the sun, inside or out. “He’s five years old and is the sweetest little guy. He’s got a mean side eye too!”

Molly Beal shared that Moose Banana Duck Fluffy Fluff Duck Wagner was named by the children in his family. He lives down the street with Christine and Joel Salee. “He is the very best kitty! He loves to make a space in your lap for himself and is vocal when he has a want. He loves to sleep in the boys’ beds whether they are there or not. And best of all, he makes friends wherever he goes!”

Meagan Taylor says 1-year-old Oreo’s favorite place to watch birds and bunnies is in his window. “As you can see, he is full of ‘personality,’ loves pets and will do anything for attention.”

Toby Slunaker says 3-year-old boxer Pepper is funny and has the best facial expressions. “She loves to be outside, especially if there is a rabbit or squirrel to chase!”

Lisa Cupp shared this photo of 12-year-old Princess Grace soaking up the sun.