‘SUPERIOR POLICE WORK’: GPD officers commended at council meeting


GREENFIELD – Four Greenfield police officers were recognized for various acts of service at last week’s city council meeting.

Proud parents, spouses and young kids packed the city council chambers July 10 to witness police chief Brian Hartman share how each officer bravely answered the call of duty in serving their community.

Officer Alex Roberts
Sergeant Dillon Silver
Officer Danny Williams
Lieutenant Nathan Garner

Officer Alex Roberts, Sergeant Dillon Silver and Officer Danny Williams were each presented with a Meritorious Service Award, while Lieutenant Nathan Garner was presented with a Letter of Commendation Award.

Hartman said Roberts was recognized for his professionalism during an extremely high-stress situation when he responded to a child in cardiac arrest.

The officer arrived on scene and without hesitation started life saving measures until paramedics arrived, the police chief shared. Tragically the child did not survive, but Hartman said Roberts remained calm, making sure the parents were transported to the hospital.

“Even after all of this, Officer Roberts was able to keep his composure and professionalism,” shared Deputy Chief Charles McMichael, who handles the police department’s community affairs.

“This is the true meaning of being a professional – doing things that have to be done during a difficult situation,” he said.

McMichael said Williams likewise showed professionalism in a high-stress situation when he spent over an hour convincing a man not to jump off the I-70 overpass in Greenfield.

“Officer Williams saved a life with his calm and caring demeanor,” said McMichael.

The officer displayed empathy and compassion while using his Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training to patiently and persistently communicate with the man as he sat on the ledge of the overpass.

Sergeant Silver also received a Meritorious Service Award for “his superior police work and unwavering dedication to keeping the community safe,” McMichael said.

While on patrol, Silver was conducting a traffic stop when he noticed what he believed to be narcotics and proceeded to find an abundance of drugs, including 67 grams of pure fentanyl, more than 500 grams of pressed pills containing fentanyl and over 200 grams of methamphetamine, along with more than $3,000 in cash.

McMichael said his actions not only resulted in an arrest on two level 2 felonies and two level 3 felonies, but more importantly removed pounds of dangerous narcotics off the streets, likely saving lives.

Lieutenant Garner showed similar conviction in working diligently to get resolution for an out-of-state victim who was being “harassed, threatened and intimidated” by a local suspect

Garner was honored with the a Letter of Commendation Award for for his exceptional dedication and professionalism in working the case, said McMichael, in which Garner went “above and beyond” to get resolution for the victim.

In reviewing the case and working with the FBI, Garner found the suspect to be mentally ill.

“Lieutenant Garner was able to resolve the case to the satisfaction of the victim and the FBI. The professionalism and dedication put into this case is an example of how all cases should be investigated,” said McMichael.

In presenting the officers with their awards last week, Chief Hartman shared with their families and city council members how proud he was of each of them for their dedication and unwavering service to the community.