MINI GRANTS, BIG IMPACT: Foundation doles out funds while promoting Lilly grant that triples donations


HANCOCK COUNTY – From comforting quilts to a community garden, the Community Foundation of Hancock County is helping the county in more ways that one with its latest distribution of mini grants.

Eight area nonprofits were on the receiving end of a total $10,420 in grants from the Forever Hancock Community Development Fund last week.

Six of the recipients received grants in the amount of $1,500.

The Hancock Wellness Center in McCordsville will use its grant to expand its community garden, while Bentley’s Buddies and Friends will use the funds to assist with moving the nonprofit’s headquarters – the “Doghouse” – to a new location.

Graceworks Lutheran Services will put its grant money toward enhancing nutrition and socialization for seniors living in the Good Shepherd Community complex in Greenfield, while Hancock County Arts will use its award to help fund events throughout the organization’s 25th anniversary year.

Hancock Regional Hospital will apply its $1,500 grant to its Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program, allowing staff to attend the annual International Conference on Forensic Nursing Science and Practice.

The Arc of Hancock County will use its same-size grant to fund an instructor and refreshments for an Adaptive Dance program.

Additionally, Cross of Grace Lutheran Church was awarded a $1,000 grant for its Comfort Quilts program, which provides quilts to support and comfort adults and children in stressful situations, such as car accidents and housing displacement.

Nameless Creek Camp received a $420 grant to put towards equipment for its popular Plug Into Nature camp.

The community foundation’s grants officer, Katie Ottinger, said the Forever Hancock Community Development Fund was created to address a broad range of needs, including future needs that often cannot be anticipated at the time a gift is made.

“Community Development Funds help support long-term solutions, respond quickly to emergencies, and meet changing social, cultural, educational and environmental needs in our local community,” she shared in a press release.

Ottinger said this year is a great time to contribute to the community development fund, since all gifts will tripled be thanks to a grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. The program runs through Dec. 31 or until matching grant resources are exhausted, whichever comes first.

“Our community needs to secure every dollar of LEI’s matching grant for positive community impact forever,” said Ottinger. “Your generosity will ensure that (foundation) secures the full grant on Hancock County’s behalf.”

Securing the matching grant of $1.375 million will grow grant making resources by over $75,000 per year, every year, she said.

For more information about the matching opportunity, visit