EH Joy Jam educator conference set for second year


File from Joy Jam 2023: In addition to speaking and learning segments, educators and administrators will also get to visit various booths set up on the Eastern Hancock campus during Joy Jam 2024.

CHARLOTTESVILLE — They don’t call it “Joy Jam” for nothing.

The second annual statewide educator summer conference hosted by Eastern Hancock Community Schools with help from the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) is set for July 15-16.

The event is open to all educators and administrators from around the state and is expected to attract several hundred participants. The conference is designed to jam a whole lot of joy into the minds of educators who might be looking for a little refresher or inspiration this summer.

From puppy rooms to special places filled with participants’ favorite snacks, the conference is designed to inspire and surprise educators and administrator who need to be reminded of the great work they do throughout the school year.

 Eastern Hancock school district superintendent George Philhower says Joy Jam 2024 will inspire educators.

“Joy is important,” Easter Hancock Superintendent George Philhower said. “The gravity of work we do every day doesn’t always pull us to a place of joy, so if we’re going to get there it’s got to be intentional, and this conference is just one of the things we do to make that happen.”

The two-day event is filled with guest speakers, learning opportunities and many chances for the educators to have some fun. Philhower said several hundred educators and administrators from all across the state have already signed up, and they expect to max out with about 400 people attending the conference.

“That’s about all the space we have room for, and especially with the way we run it with the special places we have set up all around the school,” Philhower said. “Hosting 400 people is about all we can manage and still make it a joyful experience for everyone.”

Middle school teacher and consultant Kim Campbell, who organizers say has a knack for humor and transformative methodologies, is the opening keynote speaker. However, she’s just one of many expected to speak and share experiences about education to lift up and inspire teachers.

 File from Joy Jam 2023: In addition to speaking and learning segments, educators and administrators will also get to visit various booths set up on the Eastern Hancock campus during Joy Jam 2024.

“We’ve got some incredible speakers lined up” Philhower said. “Anytime you put together an event and the purpose is joy and learning and you have people showing up on purpose for those things, it turns out to be a really good time.”

While the majority of participants are expected to be teachers who are on the front line of education, organizers say they get their fair share of administrators from around the state as well.

“This is a summer conference for educators but in a lot of ways we do want to make it feel like a summer camp where you leave feeling very excited about the work you get to do,” Philhower said. “This is about refresh and inspire and reminding people what a privilege it is to work in the field we get to work in.”

While Philhower noted there are a few open seats, he expected them to fill up fast because the conference was so successful last summer. Plus, educators get to attend at no cost to them or their district.

File from Joy Jam 2023: In addition to speaking and learning segments, educators and administrators will also get to visit various booths set up on the Eastern Hancock campus during Joy Jam 2024.

Officials with the IDOE provide the EH school district with some funding for the conference, but Philhower also works with a team to help find additional sponsors to pick up the tab so educators can relax, have a good time and walk away feeling that they love their job.

While Philhower noted it’s important for educators to pause and recharge in the summer, finding time for joy is also important.

“I just happen to think joy is important in life,” Philhower said. “We’re at a place locally, in the state and all over the country, where we need to be a place people look forward to coming to. The more we can network with others who share that vision the easier and better we’re going to be able to pull that off.”

For more information or for educators to sign up visit, but officials note they are down to just a few dozen empty spots.

 File from Joy Jam 2023: Eastern Hancock schools decorate the campus for “Joy Jam,” an annual educator’s conference the district started hosting last summer.