HC deputy prosecutor gets chance to be guest lecturer at IU Maurer School of Law


Hancock County Deputy Prosecutor Victoria Thomas was invited to be a guest lecturer for a second amendment law school seminar class at the Indiana University Maurer (Bloomington) School of Law.

BLOOMINGTON — Hancock County Deputy Prosecutor Victoria Thomas was recently invited to be a guest lecturer for a second amendment law school seminar class at the Indiana University Maurer (Bloomington) School of Law.

Thomas was invited by Professor Jody Madeira to discuss application of second amendment issues in the courtroom and to share information about what it is like working as a prosecutor.

Madeira noted one of the greatest joys of being a professor is getting to ask former students to return to Maurer to share their expertise with current students.

“I was thrilled that Deputy Prosecutor Thomas could join us for the final class of the semester, and very grateful that she took such time and care to share her knowledge and guidance,” Madeira said in a release. “The students really enjoyed the opportunity to learn from someone who is on the legal front lines.”

Prosecutor Brent Eaton also was thrilled to see Thomas get the opportunity to speak to current students and noted she’s been a huge asset to the county’s office.

“It says a lot about Ms. Thomas’ legal reputation and knowledge that the Maurer School of Law invited her back to be a guest lecturer,” said Eaton. “We are fortunate to have her on our team. In addition to being very knowledgeable, she is also a great teammate.”

Thomas is a major felony prosecutor for the Hancock County Prosecutor’s Office. She earned her undergraduate degree from IU-Bloomington where she was a recipient of the Elvis J. Stahr senior award for academic excellence and community leadership and is a graduate of the IU-Bloomington Maurer School of Law.