“Shoe” appreciation: Changing Footprints benefits from local school drives


Eden Elementary School students were recenty recognized for being the first-place school in the No Cold Feet Shoe Recycling Competition.

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HANCOCK COUNTY – Local school children were thanked recently for collecting more than 7,000 pairs of shoes for a local nonprofit organization.

The annual No Cold Feet Shoe Recycling Competition was in January, with 12 schools participating in a friendly competition to clean out closets.

In total, 7,140 pairs of shoes were collected for Changing Footprints in Greenfield; unusable shoes were recycled into playground mulch.

Last month, officials from Changing Footprints and Recycle Hancock County went to schools to take photos with winning classrooms and thank students for their dedication to the project and present awards.

Coming in first place for the third year in a row was Eden Elementary, with 639 pairs of shoes. Eastern Hancock Elementary earned second place, and Harris Elementary third. The overall classroom winner was Mt. Comfort Elementary’s kindergarten class taught by Mrs. Williams, with 172 pairs.