Holland: I’m dreaming of being a snowbird


Teresa Holland

I do not know about you, but I think I can easily turn into a snowbird… at least for a few weeks of the year. These thoughts have been coming more often, especially when the thermometer likes to hover near or below zero. Then too, there are those friends that call to say farewell as they head to play in the sun for a few months of the year. I am sure that they are not rubbing it in. They would never do that. Of course, they can’t resist texting photos of their warm evening beach walks with a beautiful setting sun or those few that are early risers and catch the sunrise that shimmers on the water. That wouldn’t be me even if I were there unless the bright sun was shining in my eyes. Just being transparent here.

Now don’t get me wrong, I certainly don’t begrudge them their pleasures. After all, they are retired. So going whenever is not a problem. A couple of others who also send pictures are still working but have figured out how to work from anywhere. Some others just make sure that their winter business trips are to warmer climates. So far, none of them have sent any snowy pics. But who is paying any attention? Though one day when it was snowy and our windchill was 20 degrees below, I sent them a photo of our great winter beauty. You know just in case they were homesick. Besides, I just couldn’t help myself. The replies were all the same… laughing emoji with tears.

Well, I’m working on a “Plan A” on how to turn into a snowbird. Afterall, it is never going to happen without a plan, right? My big plan is to win the 2024 Dream House (with only a few million other people) that sits like a crown jewel on a warm, sunny, beautiful island. But this plan takes some daily work to ensure that you hit the “Enter” button at least once a day. But just imagine if you were the one to win! Anyway, someone needs to win it, so it might as well be me. You can see ocean views from every room and palm trees are included. It is even big enough to have family and friends come and stay for a day or two. But you must be careful, as they might not ever want to leave, especially if it’s winter! Guess what? I have some who believe in my plan too, as they have already volunteered to come and stay to make sure that I don’t get too lonely.

Where there is a Plan A, there should be a Plan B and maybe a Plan C. So, Plan B is to go visit my snowbird friends who are already there. Some of them are so close, I could stay at each place just a few days. I’m not picky, a fold out sofa will do. I can help take pictures of them together on the beach. This sounds workable if Plan A falls through. Well, as for Plan C… I am still working on it.

Teresa Holland is a guest columnist, writer, and retired advanced-practice registered nurse. Send comments to [email protected]