Greenfield man accused of dealing drugs


Robert Eugene Burk, 50, Greenfield

HANCOCK COUNTY — A Greenfield man has been accused of being a drug dealer after officials from the Hancock County Prosecutor’s office filed three separate drug dealing charges from incidents in the spring of 2023.

Robert E. Burk, 50, 3400 block of CR North 300E, has been charged with three Level 4 felony counts of dealing cocaine after an undercover investigation conducted by officials from the Hancock County Sheriff’s Department (HCSD).

Burk was arrested Tuesday of this week and was being held under no bond in the county jail pending an initial appearance scheduled for Thursday in Hancock County Circuit Court. Judge Scott Sirk set a cash bond of $10,000 and Burk was able to post the funds right away. He is no longer listed as an inmate in the county jail.

According to a probable cause affidavit, officials from the HCSD engaged in an undercover drug investigation between April 1 and June 1 of 2023.

During the investigation, a confidential informant was used to purchase cocaine on two separate dates from Burk. During all of the controlled buys, deputies met with the confidential informant at pre-arranged meeting locations, the affidavit said.

Once the confidential informant was at the location, their person and vehicle were searched to ensure they were not in possession of any illegal narcotics or paper currency. Once the informant was found to not be in possession of any illegal narcotics or paper currency, they were provided with pre-recorded currency and a digital audio recording device.

Officials noted in the report the informant was followed to a buy location in the 34oo block of CR North 300E, Greenfield. Once at the location, the informant went to an outbuilding behind the residence which was discussed and planned in messages exchanged between the informant and Burk, the affidavit said.

During the controlled buys, the informant engaged in a conversation with a male in the outbuilding, which can be heard in the recording device, the affidavit said. The informant then exchanged the pre-recorded currency for and agreed upon an amount of a white powder substance, officials said in the report.

At the conclusion of both controlled buys, the white powder substance was recovered from the informant and field-tested positive for cocaine, officials said in the affidavit. Preliminary results showed on two of the controlled buys that the cocaine weighed between 1 and 5 grams each time.

The officials noted the controlled buys were audio and video recorded and the text conversations between the informant and Burk were photographed. The informant positively identified the dealer in the controlled buys as Burk, officials said in the report.