NEW PALESTINE — Mark Hildebrandt had ahold of the energy drink like it was his best friend as he took a seat at the table. He and his wife Penny, his real best friend, say they can use all the energy they can get these days working 14 hours at a time, seven days a week.

The couple are the new owners of one of New Palestine’s oldest watering holes and restaurant, The Corner Grill, an establishment better known as Round the Corner Pub, 19 S. Bittner Road.

“This is our home,” Penny said. “We’ve given up everything to give this a real go, so failure is not an option for us.”

Both Mark and Penny have worked at the restaurant on and off for over a decade and say they are excited to be taking over ownership full time from Scott LeBeau, bringing back a family atmosphere and working in the community.

“We’re keeping all the same great food items that people love and are used to, but the one change we are making is we’re getting that homey feeling back,” Penny said.

LeBeau bought the establishment from Ron Adams in 2021 and changed the name to The Corner Grill. Still, the old Round the Corner Pub sign remains out front, and The Hildebrandt’s say they’ve yet to decide on an official new name just yet.

“I don’t care what you call this place, it’s a staple in New Palestine, and everyone will always know it as the Pub,” Mark said.

The staff of 23 have all been asked to stay. The business is open seven days a week, serving food from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday; from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Friday and Saturday and then from noon until 10 p.m. Sunday.

“We’ve got some really good cooks and people here,” Mark said. “We’re glad everyone is staying.”

Penny became the full-time manager of the establishment about nine months ago. That’s when she and Mark were contemplating heading to Tennessee to work on her father’s farm, but then the opportunity presented itself for them to purchase the restaurant, and they felt staying and working in the community was what they were supposed to do.

“We prayed about and we felt this was the place we’re supposed to be,” Penny said.

The couple noted that there’s a big difference between working for a place and owning it. The first day they took over, one of their three furnaces broke down. But, Penny noted, LeBeau offered to split the bill with them.

“Everything costs money, money, money, money,” Penny said. “Which is why we’re making sure we’re providing a good product and service.”

One of the main things on Mark’s list to get done is to better sound proof the inside of the building. He noted that when the establishment is full of customers, it gets very loud, and he wants it to be a comfortable place.

While the restaurant will be geared toward families with children and supporting the New Palestine Dragons, the couple said they’re probably going to implement an adult-only atmosphere on Friday and Saturday nights after 11 p.m.

“We want adults to feel comfortable coming here at night, a place where they can have a few drinks, and kids later in the evening don’t need to be around that,” Penny said.

Mark noted as new owners they want to be proactive and friendly, so he’s already talked to a few of the neighbors who live in homes right next door to the establishment.

“We just want to use good common sense in dealing with people and that includes our neighbors,” Mark said. “We’ve told them if there are any issues to please come and talk directly to me or Penny.”

The long-term goal for Penny and Mark is to operate the business successfully for as long as they can and then leave it to Penny’s two children who are in their early 20s, including one of her daughters, Chloe Davis, who works at the restaurant as a waitress.

“This will be our legacy, and we really want to be part of the community and implement some school things and support the Dragons and put some of their things on the wall,” Penny said. “We host a good, clean crowd, and we don’t have to worry about people causing trouble.”

The couple will also do all they can to support first responders and even plan to put some fireman helmets up in showcases. Mark is a Marine and said they’ll also support Veterans.

“We’re huge military supporters, and we want our customers to know that,” Penny said.

They’re biggest goal Mark said is to help the community and support local events.

“We want people to know we’re more than a place to just go to,” Mark said. “We have a full menu, including sirloin steak in addition to all the good bar food.”

In addition to the staples, they’re planning to start a loyalty program and will offer karaoke every Saturday night.