Public hearing for semi-trailer parking lot off Broadway and Muskegon set


GREENFIELD — A public hearing of a conditional use of approval for a semi trailer parking lot on the northwest corner of N. Broadway Street and W. Muskegon Drive will be held at the Greenfield Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) meeting at 7 p.m. on Jan. 18.

After receiving some traction from a post made on Greenfield Gabber, it was shared that the legal notice of the public hearing was sent out about the development of the parking lot that was originally approved back in April 2023 under BZA Case CU23-04.

At the April meeting, it was said the plan was to add a 240 parking space lot with a 40-foot buffer around the right-of-ways which also matches the front yard setbacks. It was also said that they would try to preserve as much tree growth as possible and surround the property with a chain-linked fence and gates at those right-of-way access points.

Evan Beaty, associate planner for the City of Greenfield, said that the request that will go before the board in January to amend the conditions of the approval deals with cross-access between that proposed lot and neighboring lots. The legal notice said that the modification will specify that adjoining properties utilizing the parking lot must provide internal access via a recorded cross-access easement.

The applicant for the request is Coors Consulting and owner of the area is Campbell Properties of IN, LLC.

“The development will be extensively screened with landscaping and has been through multiple rounds of reviews both within the Planning Department internally and the BZA before being approved,” Beaty said.

A video of the April BZA meeting can be found at

Beaty also said that for the public hearing, anyone is welcome to join for the Jan. 18 meeting at City Hall if they wish.