HANCOCK COUNTY — Morgan Walker, the new community corrections director, came to the joint commissioners and council meeting on Dec. 19 with a request for some changes to the new layout of the building and schedules of hours for their workers.

Walker explained that there were two changes to the plans that she saw and wanted to make. The first change would be some layout adjustments to the current plans for the new community corrections center.

In the current plans, there is a large space that has approximately eight cubicles for field officers, but Walker had the idea to cut the large spaces into two offices and then a smaller open space.

Walker said that having that large space doesn’t allow officers to be able to be with their clients individually.

“What we’ve run into now is that we’re meeting with clients on an individual basis and so right now our field officers are having to meet clients in the lobby and cubicles so they can have that one-on-one interaction,” said Walker at the meeting.

The other change would be a space for a classroom/meeting room.

Walker said that she had some programs that she would like to get started but they do not have the space to be able to host them or have meetings.

Bill Spalding, president of the commissioners, said at the meeting that at least they were able to catch the needed changes before they were to get started on any work, and that office space and classrooms are a need for the area.

In response to Walker’s request, the commissioners decided to motion and pass the changes to the community correction layout.

Bill Spalding, president of the commissioners, said that they are excited to see community corrections begin operation under Walker and “In just a few weeks she has identified some things which will make her office run more smoothly and effectively.”

Another change that has recently happened under Walker is those who work under her will begin working regular hours, Monday through Friday.

As far as the bidding for the new community corrections/former jail, Spalding said that the rebidding has not taken place yet, but they anticipate an early January advertisement date for the new bids to start coming in.

Spalding said they expect those bids from the advertisement to be submitted and ready for review by Jan. 23.

“We’re expecting those that bid on the project will be able to accomplish all of the needed work as listed in Request For Proposal (RFP), complete it in a timely manner, and come in on or under our budget,” said Spalding in an email.