GREENFIELD — Incoming city and county servants from the Hancock County GOP were sworn in Friday at the Hancock County courthouse.

All were elected or re-elected in the Nov. 7 election, and will take office Jan. 1.

Placing one hand on the bible and raising their right hand in the air, they were sworn-in one by one by one of three Hancock County judges in attendance.

Officer holders from throughout the county brought spouses or other family members to stand by their sides as they took the oath to “faithfully, honestly, and impartially” serve.

 Incoming Greenfield mayor Guy Titus is sworn in by Judge Dan Marshall as his wife, Kathy, stands by his side. Titus was among a number of Greenfield elected officials gathered at the Hancock County Courthouse Dec. 15 for a swearing in ceremony hosted by the Hancock County GOP. Submitted photos

Incoming Greenfield mayor Guy Titus said it was exciting being sworn into an office he had long hoped to fill.

“It did feel a little surreal,” said Titus, whose wife, Kathy, stood alongside him as he placed one hand on the bible and recited the oath.

Joyce Plisinski, a new Greenfield city council member, also said it was exciting to be sworn in to her first public office with her husband, outgoing city councilman George Plisinski, standing by her side.

Plisinski is stepping down from the council after four years in service, but said he’s proud of his wife for stepping up to serve.

 Incoming Greenfield city councilwoman Joyce Plisinski is joined by her husband, outgoing city councilman George Plisinski, as she’s sworn in by Judge Scott Sirk at the Hancock County Courthouse Dec. 15. Submitted photos

“It was much more exciting for me to watch her getting sworn in than it was when I did it myself,” he said.

His wife said she’s been attending city council meetings for a little over a year now, and is looking forward to starting her four-year term next month.

“It’s going to be a little different perspective, but I am looking forward to serving our city,” she said. “It’s comforting to know I have someone at home who has been in the same place as me, and to know I’ll be working with a great group of people on council and a great mayor. I’m looking forward to contributing wherever I can.”

Janice Silvey, chairman for the Hancock County GOP, said it was great to see so many Republican leaders being sworn in to serve their communities.

“I think the party is going strong, and we’re going to have a lot of candidates next year,” she said.

The annual swearing in ceremony is a nice way for elected officials to kick off a new term of service, she said, and to share the moment with family and friends.