FORTVILLE – Renee Oldham, executive director of the Mt. Vernon Education Foundation, was selected as the 2023 Outstanding Working Woman for Hancock County.

Oldham earned the honor from the Hancock County Business and Professional Womens’ Club. The club honors one woman every November during Working Women’s Recognition Month. Nominations were based on the qualities of passion, generosity, commitment, optimism, dedication and supportiveness.

Oldham was presented with a plaque Nov. 27 just prior to a meeting of the Mt. Vernon Education Foundation Board with board members, several members of her family and BPW members present to celebrate with her.

Oldham was nominated by Vernon Township Trustee, Flory May, who stated, “Renee has a giving and generous soul and a servant’s heart that is reflected in her volunteer projects and involvement with FARM food pantry, CASA Kids, and numerous school initiatives throughout her community. She sees humanity in all people. She is the first to recognize when people need support and gives of herself on a personal level to those in need. Her enthusiasm for serving children in need and growing their potential is contagious! Her optimism makes everyone want to jump in to help.”

Oldham always has the best interest of the Mt. Vernon students and staff in mind when she serves as a volunteer on county and city boards, according to a press release from the club.

Hancock County Commissioner President Bill Spaulding wrote that her “input and insights as a volunteer and representative for Mt. Vernon Schools on the Hancock County Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals helped the county make informed and balanced decisions especially when developing its new Comprehensive Plan for Hancock County.”

May said in her nomination letter that Oldham gives more than 100% to everything she does and constantly extends beyond her job.

“She sees the opportunity to build communication bridges everywhere she goes and takes on the hard project management roles that many people think are paid positions – they aren’t paid, they are a labor of love for our community.”

Also nominated were Joanie Fitzwater and Randy Griffin. These women were presented with letters of recognition for their contribution to their community.