GREENFIELD — VFW Post 2693 served up warm chicken noodle soup for their Soup and Sandwich Saturday this past Veterans Day in Greenfield.

For as long as he can remember, VFW member Butch Miller said that the VFW has been doing free lunch for veterans on Veterans Day every year. However, Miller wanted to make the tradition more of a celebration of veterans for the whole month of November. This year, they decided to introduce the idea of Soup and Sandwiches Saturdays.

Between the seven bartenders and auxiliary members, Miller said they divided and chose which Saturday they would be in charge.

Two women in the auxiliary, Patricia Wiederkehr and Connie Burrell, were in charge of making the Nov. 11 meal, which consisted of chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, ham and chicken salad sandwiches and then cupcakes and cookies for dessert, with the cupcakes being catered by a VFW member.

Wiederkehr transferred from Springfield, Ohio to the VFW in Greenfield, has been a member of the auxiliary for roughly three years and also bartends at the post part-time. This is Wiederkehr’s second year helping make free meals for Veterans Day.

This year, she was able to serve on the “lucky day.”

“We think a lot of our veterans here. We love every one of them,” Wiederkehr said. “And it makes me feel proud to do this for them because they’ve done so much for us, and a lot of times they don’t get the recognition.”

Burrell has been involved with the VFW Post 2693 since 2007.

“I can count on any of them,” Burrell said. “If I need something or if I have to have something done, I can rely on them and I want them to rely on me, too. If there’s something I can do for them, I would in a heartbeat.”

Just one way Burrell helps give back is through these meals. Burrell said that not only do they get their bellies full, but the veterans get to enjoy the camaraderie, something that comes with sitting down and enjoying a meal together.

When asked why he enjoys these lunches, Miller said the same thing — camaraderie.

“We just decided to do it for the vets. Have a free lunch, come out here … talk about whatever is going on in the world, whatever you want to talk about, have a good afternoon and then go about your life, ya know?” Miller said.

Next Saturday’s meal will consist of a traditional Thanksgiving lunch with “all the fixin’s,” and Miller said that will most likely be the busiest Saturday of the month.

“There won’t even be a comparison,” Miller said. “It’s got more history, and it’s just one of the things people have gotten used to doing.”

Veterans eat free while family and friends can join for a fee of $6. The lunch starts at 11:30 a.m. and lasts until the food is gone. The last Saturday of the month will consist of hot dogs and chili.

For the rest of the holiday months, Miller said that the VFW likes to find veterans and families in need and help support them by providing meals, toys for children, clothing and more. However, Miller said that can sometimes pose a challenge due to the people of Greenfield being a prideful bunch.

“The people in the Midwest in general, they’re not real quick to ask for help. We have kind of an independent streak around here,” Miller said. “The ones that we find, we try to help them out as much as we can.”

Bins to collect for Toys for Tots are located right inside the VFW. Miller said they will also be participating in and helping out with Whiskey Warriors on Dec. 9, an event hosted by Chillys Liquors at the fairgrounds.

Miller said they are fortunate that the community supports the VFW through their raffles and drawings, which then allows them to be able to give back to the community.