GREENFIELD — Guy Titus was on vacation with his family 18 months ago when they collectively agreed he should run to become Greenfield’s next mayor.

Their dreams came true Tuesday night when Titus clinched the election with 69% of the vote.

After a long day of campaigning, Titus came away with 2,181 votes.

His Democratic competitor, Nate Anderson, had 837 votes while the Libertarian challenger, Larry Silver, ended the night with 150.

All three were gathered inside the Hancock County Courthouse Annex, where the public was able to await the election results after the polls closed at 6 p.m.

When Titus was declared the winner around 7:30 p.m., his family and team of supporters — clad in bright blue shirts proclaiming “He’s Our Guy!” — erupted in cheers and applause.

Within minutes, his two challengers made their way over to Titus to shake his hand.

“I’d like to thank both of them for running a clean campaign from start to finish,” said Titus, who was greeted by a long line of well wishers after the results were announced.

“I’m humbled and honored that the voters elected me to be their mayor,” he told the Daily Reporter.

“I owe it first to my family — my wife Kathy and my daughters Erica and Taylor. They’re the ones who got it all started,” he said.

It was on a family vacation that the group came up with the slogan, “He’s our Guy,” and the dream of Titus becoming the city’s next mayor began to take root.

“He’s been talking about doing this for probably 15 years,” said his wife, Kathy, who campaigned alongside him over the past year.

“I’ve wanted to do it for a long time,” Titus chimed in with a smile.

Meanwhile, his Democratic opponent left in lower spirits after losing what supporters say was a hard-fought campaign.

Although he didn’t win the election, Anderson counted the 800-plus votes he garnered as a win for the county’s Democratic party.

“I’m very honored we got over 800 votes, which was doubled from last time,” he said, referring to the last municipal election in 2019 when the Democratic mayoral candidate won roughly 400 votes.

“I’ve been blessed to have all the volunteers who have helped me out. We did over 4,000 hours of work, canvassed over 2,300 homes and made over 3,000 phone calls, so it was a good campaign,” said Anderson.

“We’ve inspired folks, too,” he added. “We’ve reached a lot of marginalized folks who didn’t think their voice matters, and at the end of the day their voice does matter, and they should be proud of that. I’m grateful they came out and showed their support.”

Silver said he will be back to try again.

“Overall, I am proud of our campaign and look forward to running again in 2027,” Silver said.

Titus officially takes over as Greenfield’s next mayor on January 1.

He succeeds outgoing mayor Chuck Fewell, who has held the office since December 2013.