Critical thinkers: Maxwell Intermediate honors students of the month


Maxwell fifth-graders honored for critical thinking were, front row from left, Elliot Arms, Caleb Godinez, Marlee Lane, Gavin Elkins; back row, Gabbie Jacobsen, Tylie Ward, Norah Waterbury and Brogan Edwards.

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Maxwell fifth-graders honored for critical thinking were, front row from left, Elliot Arms, Caleb Godinez, Marlee Lane, Gavin Elkins; back row, Gabbie Jacobsen, Tylie Ward, Norah Waterbury and Brogan Edwards.

Fourth grade students of the month honored for critical thinking skills were, front row from left, Gannon Beachboard, Carson Ray, Dax White, Emersan Ash and Adrielle Keen; Finley Wagner, Connor Pierce, Papa Amissah, Riley Cooper, and Olivia Turpin.

Sixth grade students honored at Maxwell Intermediate School for critical thinking skills were, front row from left, Jeremiah Patterson, Ella Price, Connor Morgan; back row, Lillian Burgin, Brandon Mize, Rigley Brown, Chance Meyer; not pictured, Mason Bowen.