Club news


Major Hugh Dinwiddie members cleaned up debris recently at the Veterans Memorial Garden in Knightstown.

The Daily Reporter will occasionally feature updates from local clubs and social circles. To share photos, news and announcements from your club, email [email protected].

DAR completes community service projects

GREENFIELD – The Major Hugh Dinwiddie Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution hosted its October meeting at The Waters in Middletown.

As the National Society prepared for DAR Day of Service, chapter members were involved in several activities. They created treat baskets for area first responders; baskets were delivered to Knightstown, Dunreith, Wilkinson, Shirley, and Charlottesville emergency personnel. Members also removed debris in the Veterans Memorial Garden and participated in the Knightstown Library Groundbreaking ceremony.

Three tree planting projects were discussed. A proposal was presented to the park board for an America 250 Liberty Tree to be planted in New Castle’s Memorial Park. Members plan to recognize Revolutionary War patriots and other veterans buried in Henry County. A second tree will be planted in Knightstown’s Glen Cove Cemetery. The chapter is also supporting reforesting the Hoosier National Forest in Perry County with native hardwood trees.

The meeting also included a program on the history of army dog tags; and a “Patriot Minute” focusing on George Emory, a blacksmith who joined the Second Virginia Regiment as a quartermaster.

Major Hugh Dinwiddie’s next meeting will be at 1 p.m. Nov. 4 at the Knightstown Friends Church. Prospective members are welcome.

Book club seeks new members

GREENFIELD – The Cosmopolitan Club of Greenfield is seeking new members.

The women’s book club has long been affiliated with the Chautauqua Scientific and Literary Circle. The Greenfield club, an early “daughter Chautauqua,” has been in continuous operation since October 1894.

The club reads primarily non-fiction books once a month, six months of the year. It meets at 1 p.m. on a designated Friday. To learn more about joining, email [email protected].

Greenfield Elks planning fall, holiday events

GREENFIELD – Greenfield Elks are planning several upcoming community events.

A veterans breakfast free to all veterans is planned for 8-11 a.m. Nov. 11.

The club is also planning a euchre event to benefit the KBMSK at 6 p.m. Nov. 18 with dinner available at 5 p.m.

Breakfast with Santa is set for 10 a.m. to noon Dec. 2 with free breakfast, games and prizes for children of all ages.

Events are at Elks Lodge, 820 S. State St., Greenfield.

Herb society to learn about Shakers

GREENFIELD – Shakers will be the topic of discussion at the Hancock County Herb Society meeting on Thursday, Nov. 2. Shakers were the first large producers of medicinal herbs in the United States and pioneers in the sale of seeds in paper packets. Janet Stultz and Kathy Locke will present a brief history of the Shakers, and their impact on producing herbs and marketing seeds.

The program begins at 6:30 p.m. at Lizabuth Ann’s Kitchen, located behind the J.W. Riley Museum, 250 W. Main St., Greenfield, IN. Light refreshments will be served. Meetings are free and the public is welcome and encouraged to come share their knowledge, or to learn more about growing and using herbs. For more information, please call 317-326-2274 or visit us on Facebook at www.facebook/HerbiesofHancockCounty.