INDIANAPOLIS — The Daily Reporter received the General Excellence award for its division and many other awards Friday at the Hoosier State Press Association Foundation Journalism Conference and Awards Luncheon.

The Daily Reporter received 21 awards — seven first-place, six second-place and seven third-place. Awards have point values, which are totaled to determine the General Excellence award. There are two divisions for daily newspapers — one for dailies with a circulation less than 6,000 (as the Daily Reporter was during the contest period) and the other for dailies with a circulation above 6,000.

The Daily Reporter last received the General Excellence award in 2018. In 2022, The Daily Reporter received 13 awards.

Entries were due to HSPA by April 27 and had to be published between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023. Judging is done by other state press organizations through a reciprocal agreement, with this year’s awards being judged in Oklahoma.

HSPA was founded in 1933 and is a trade association that represents 142 daily and weekly paid-circulation newspapers in Indiana.

The Daily Reporter is an AIM Media Indiana publication. Group Publisher Richard Clark is on the eight-member HSPA board of directors.

First place

Best Short Feature Story – Anne Smith

Best Profile Feature – Mitchell Kirk

Best General News Photo – Tom Russo

Best Sports Action Photo – Tom Russo

Best Multiple Picture Group – Tom Russo

Best Multimedia Story – David Durham

Special Section – Staff/The Daily Reporter

Second place

Best News Coverage Under Deadline – Shelley Swift

Best Short Feature Story – Anne Smith

Best In-Depth Feature – Shelley Swift

Best Sports News or Feature Coverage – Brady Extin

Best General News Photo – Tom Russo

Best Portrait – Tom Russo

Third place

Best News Coverage Under Deadline – Kristy Deer

Best Business/Economic News Coverage – Mitchell Kirk

Best Short Feature Story – Kristy Deer

Best General News Photo – Tom Russo

Best Sports Action Photo – Tom Russo

Best Feature – Tom Russo

Best Portrait – Tom Russo

The Times-Post

Daily Reporter’s sister paper, the Times-Post in Pendleton, received 35 awards, also earning the General Excellence award for its division (non-daily, circulation less than 1,500).

First Place

Best News Coverage Under Deadline Pressure – Brady Extin

Best News Coverage With No Deadline Pressure – Scott Slade

Best Headline Writing – Scott Slade

Best Short Feature Story – Scott Slade

Best Profile Feature Story – Sue Hughes

Best Sports Event Coverage – Brady Extin

Best Sports New or Feature Coverage – Brady Extin

Best Sports Feature Photo – Tom Russo

Best Sports Action Photo – Rob Baker

Best Feature Photo – Tom Russo

Best Portrait – Kenny Humphrey

Best Multiple Picture Group – Scott Slade

Best Website – Scott Slade

Second Place

Best News Coverage Under Deadline Pressure – Scott Slade

Best News Coverage With No Deadline Pressure – Kristy Deer

Best Editorial Writer – Erik Deckers

Best Business/Economic Coverage – Scott Slade

Best Short Feature Story – Scott Slade

Best Profile Feature Story – Scott Slade

Best Sports Event Coverage – Brady Extin

Best Sports New or Feature Coverage – Brady Extin

Best Sports Feature Photo – Sam Findley

Best Sports Action Photo – Mike Brown

Best Portrait – Scott Slade

Third Place

Best News Coverage Under Deadline Pressure – Scott Slade

Best News Coverage With No Deadline Pressure – Scott Slade

Best Profile Feature Story – Scott Slade

Best In-Depth Or Feature Package – Scott Slade

Best Sports Event Coverage – Brady Extin

Best Sports Action Photo – Lori Wood

Best Portrait – Tom Russo

Best Multiple Picture Group – Scott Slade

Best Sports New or Feature Coverage – Staff/The Times-Post

Best General News Photo – Karen Branham