By Lacey Watt

[email protected]

FORTVILLE — After three applications for two open seats — one on the redevelopment commission, the other on the plan commission — Fortville’s town council chose the two they thought were the best options.

The two vacant seats were posted to the town’s website Aug. 11 for people to submit their letter of interest no later than Aug. 18. During that time, three community members applied, showing their interest.

The council had met two of the three applicants at their Aug. 21 meeting, and the third at their Sept. 5 meeting. Town council members Fred Fentz and Ryan Rummell were absent for the Sept. 5 meeting.

After being introduced to all three applicants, the board decided to choose Chris McCreight for the redevelopment commission and Mike Sibert for plan commission.

McCreight introduced himself to the town council a couple weeks ago and said that he grew up in the construction industry, having more than 18 years in the business. He said he had worked for a large national homebuilder before and also has owned his own business two different times — once in Ohio and one now in the town of Fortville.

“At the end of the day, I really want to look out for the best interest of Fortville. This is a place we call home,” McCreight said. “We have a sincere passion for this town. We want to see it grow, but grow in a very healthy way.”

He also said that he looks forward to the projects and any future projects in the town, wanting to help out in any way he can.

Newly appointed town council president Toyna Davis said a reason she chose McCreight for the redevelopment commission is because he is a business owner and has dealt with different financial situations.

“I wanted to trust somebody to spend the town’s money and I felt he had the best qualities to do that,” Davis said.

Sibert, who was chosen to fill the open seat for the redevelopment commission, has experience serving on boards before. Sibert has recently joined the community of Fortville, but has experience dating back to the early 2000s.

“Small towns are where my heart is at. That is part of the reason I chose here,” Sibert said. “I love watching small towns grow and flourish, but hate when companies come in and destroy small towns.”

Sibert also said that Main Street is currently thriving and wants to see it continue to grow and all the small business locations within it.

Davis said that, while fairly new to the town, Sibert has experience with different architectural and planning commissions from another state.

“He’s already familiar with the process and now will have things to add since he lives here in town,” Davis said.

Davis also said in choosing McCreight and Sibert, who are both Republicans, it will help balance out the other seats that are Democrat.

“It’s what we needed for both boards because we were a little heavy on the Democrat side,” Davis said.

The plan commission meets on the last Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in the town hall. The redevelopment commission meets on the third Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in the town hall. These meetings are open to the public. More information can be found at