Small blessings: Blue Angel Connect hosts events to help local families in need


Blue Angel Connect hosts fundraisers throughout the year to help those in need; a Christmas giveaway is one of their biggest events.

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MCCORDSVILLE – Nicole Burris was just 11 years old when she started non-profit organization Blue Angel Connect; now a recent Mt. Vernon High School graduate, the organization continues to grow with more events lined up to help communities in Hancock and Henry counties.

“The feelings you get when you see the smiles on peoples’ faces is truly unmatched, and I’m so glad we are able to help out our community, no matter how big or small the project may be,” Burris said in a press release. “We really do grow each year with more events and more donations, so we can help even more people.”

Blue Angel Connect launched in 2016 to help those in need. A blue angel is a flower, while “connect” represents the connections made in the communities through the group.

The organization consists of eight members who hold meetings often to plan events and fundraisers. Holiday Hope, for example, happens every year around Christmas. Blue Angel Connect works with local school counselors, law enforcement officers and other agencies to ensure that families who are in need and have not yet been helped by another organization can receive assistance. BAC members and volunteers shop for gifts, using money that is sourced almost entirely from local business donations.

The gift event at Buck Creek Fire Station includes a meal and an appearance by Santa and Mrs. Claus.

“At our Holiday Hope event, we have at least a couple families each year that cry tears of joy and it makes me so happy,” Burris said. “I love how we are able to give these families small blessings and I am excited for the day that we can do it on a much larger scale.”

Eventually BAC members would like to expand to other counties, but currently focus on Hancock and Henry counties because they don’t get as much assistance as larger, neighboring counties, according to a press release.