Another viewpoint: Journalists must rise to a higher ethical standard


News and Tribune (Jeffersonville)

As we roll into a new election cycle, it’s a good time for those in the news media to consider a return to sound journalism.

Cal Thomas began his newspaper career in 1961 and continues to practice his trade today. At one point, his syndicated column appeared in more than 500 newspapers. In the June 3, 2023, edition of World magazine, he offered his thoughts on the current state of journalism in his essay “Infamous scribblers.”

According to Thomas, “Many in the media today pander to a limited audience and reinforce what they already think. That isn’t reporting. In totalitarian societies, it’s called propaganda.” He also recalls Watergate reporter Bob Woodward calling the Steele dossier a “garbage document.” The Steele dossier was known to be a lie by the major media. Yet they used it as the basis for news reports alleging collusion with Russia by the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald Trump.

He also notes the journalists on the other side of the aisle at Fox News. Fox was forced to pay a huge settlement to Dominion Voting Systems. Fox prime-time hosts reported to viewers that Dominion rigged voting machines in favor of Democrats. Fox Chairman Rupert Murdoch admitted none of the hosts privately believed the allegation was true.

Reporting known lies is not journalism. Had journalists done their job properly, the Steele Dossier would have been exposed as the fantasy it is. Instead, journalists colluded with the presidential campaign of then-candidate Hillary Clinton simply to promote one candidate and falsely accuse another. Had journalists done their job properly, Dominion Voting Systems would not have had its reputation tarnished, and Donald Trump’s allegations of rigged results would have been quickly dismissed.

Our Constitution protects the press from the tyranny of our government. Journalists’ freedom to operate without fear is the envy of the press around the world. But with that freedom comes the responsibility to report with integrity. Too often, journalists fail to do so.

Voters make better choices when journalists conduct fair investigations and make honest reports about candidates. It’s past time for journalists to infuse a healthy dose of integrity in every news report they publish.

Neither President Joe Biden nor former President Donald Trump seem well-suited to be our next president. Voters know that. So who do we choose instead? Perhaps journalists will up their game this election cycle. Otherwise, voters will be stuck with making misinformed decisions.

Voters should demand better.