Prosecutor reminds community of child abuse issues, says help is available


Prosecutor Brent Eaton

HANCOCK COUNTY — With April being Child Abuse Prevention Month, Hancock County Prosecutor Brent Eaton wants the community to be aware of the serious issue as his office shared some important statistics and solutions.

Indiana’s child abuse rate is far above the national average, and the Hoosier state is one of the worst states in the country when it comes to child abuse, Eaton said. It’s an issue he sees daily and wants to shed light on.

“Very young children are at the highest risk for abuse and neglect, with those from birth through age four the most vulnerable,” Eaton said.

Sixty Hoosier children died due to abuse or neglect in 2021, according to the Indiana Department of Child Services, which stated over half of the victims were age 3 or younger.

The IDCS found 15 of the 60 children had previously been identified as victims of abuse or neglect. Death by weapon – including a closed fist – was the most common cause of death and 53 of the alleged perpetrators, over 80%, were biological parents.

Eaton noted his office takes those statistics seriously and is working hard to share the information and hold offenders responsible.

“We will always do everything we can to hold abusers accountable and to protect these young and innocent victims,” he said.

It’s going to take a team effort to truly help stop child abuse Eaton said. From the work his office is doing to other county agencies and leaders, everyone Eaton noted needs to step up and protect children.

“Teamwork in our community has been critical in our ability to establish and maintain Zoey’s Place Child Advocacy Center and other child safety initiatives in Hancock County,” Eaton said.

To date, Zoey’s Place has served hundreds of children from Hancock and surrounding counties, giving the children a safe haven to share their stories. Many suspected cases are reported by relatives, friends and others in contact with a victim, and that’s important, Eaton said.

Officials with Zoey’s Place say everyone needs to educate themselves to be on the lookout for the signs of child abuse and to remember Indiana requires any suspicion of abuse or neglect to be reported for investigation.

Increasing protective factors is one important way to prevent child abuse and neglect, Eaton said. Protective factors are conditions in families and communities that increase the health and well-being of families.

According to Prevent Child Abuse, protective factors serve as buffers, helping parents develop coping strategies or find resources to assist them in parenting effectively under all circumstances.

Some of the protective factors include parental resilience. This allows parents to handle the stresses of everyday life and bounce back when things aren’t going well. Health or relationship problems and financial difficulties are some things that negatively affect parental resilience.

Social and emotional competence of children is also a key factor. Children who are nurtured and who develop positive relationships with caring adults have the best chance for healthy development, including the ability to handle stress.

Parental knowledge of child development and parenting skills is also important, officials say. Extensive research links healthy child development to effective parenting. Children who receive affection, along with respectful communication and listening, consistent rules and expectations and opportunities to develop independence, thrive.

Also having concrete support for parents and families that help them meet their own basic needs for food, clothing, shelter and transportation, and can access essential services for their family’s needs can ensure a child’s health and safety.

It’s also important for families to have strong social connections officials say. Parents with a social network of friends, families and neighbors who provide emotional support are better able to provide the best care for their children.

“There are ways for every adult in our community to have a positive impact on children’s well-being, using the protective factors,” Eaton said.

State law requires any adult who suspects a child is being abused or neglected to report those concerns. Anyone who suspects abuse or neglect should call Indiana’s Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline, 1-800-800-5556. It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Callers remain anonymous.