Hope for Living: Jesus knew the histories but saw a next chapter


And he must needs go through Samaria.

— John 4:4

In the fourth chapter of John, we find one of the most fascinating encounters in all the Bible. In that small fourth verse there is a statement made that to many might go unnoticed, but oh, the significance is great.

The Jewish people for centuries had no dealing with the Samaritans. Some seven hundred years before, an enemy of Isreal had been relocating prisoners of war and undesirables in this region. Because of that many had begun to marry and accept the customs of their enemy. They had even left worshipping the one true living God.

On the day recorded in John 4, a change would take place. A Samaritan woman comes to Jacob’s Well at about the noon hour. Mind you that is not the time most came to the well, but she didn’t want to be there with the others because undoubtedly she would be the target of their ridicule.

Upon her arrival there is a man, a Jewish man, sitting at the well. Jesus asked her for a drink, and life for her and all Samaria would change.

Jesus and the woman engage in a lengthy conversation. Jesus begins to tell her He possesses living water. As they speak, something begins to move her heart. As Jesus begins to relate to her, her life story, she says, “We know that Messiah will come.” Then Jesus, who had yet to reveal Himself, tells her — this sin-filled Samaritan — that “I that speak to thee am He.”

This woman then leaves behind what she thought she had come to the well for and tells everyone to “come see a man that has told me all that I have ever done.” Many believe, it says because of her testimony, and then many more because they heard it for themselves.

Then in Acts chapter 8 we find a revival taking place where? In Samaria. A revival started from unlikely circumstances.

“Jesus must have needs go through Samaria.” You see in the that area was where Abraham had built an altar after God’s promise. It was in that place Joshua had led Isreal out of the wilderness into the Promised Land. God had not forsaken them, even though the enemy tried in everyway to pollute God’s promise.

Maybe you feel you are so far from God. Why don’t you allow Jesus to have a must-needs moment with you? You and those around you will never be the same.

Joseph Riggs is pastor of Apostolic Pentecostal Church in Greenfield. This weekly column is written by local clergy members.