Robin Frazier


Breenfield, IN & Belton, TX

Kelly’s Dream There’s been a girl in my dreams ever since I was a teen, One, I know, would fill my life with love. She would be beautiful, refined, a true lady in my mind However, such a girl I would probably never be able to find. Then one day when I was low, with nowhere to go, I happened on a beautiful smiling face. Was this the girl of my dreams, of that it sure seemed As our love grew and our hearts did race. In the summertime of that year, she made all my dreams real As she became my loving bride. And then for 41 years, there was never a sad tear Because we were in love and always at each other’s side. After a son and six grands, we both saw it was all God’s plan As we moved happily into the latter years of our lives. But on our way my bride became ill and there wasn’t any pill That could cure my beautiful Robin Renee. And once again I have my dreams just as I did when I was a teen of the lady in my mind, But through sadness I know this time where to go to find that special love of mine. For God has a plan for us all, if we just heed the call, we can be with Him and see our loved ones once more. So, I know one day I’ll see that smiling girl looking my way and be welcomed into her arms forever more! Kelly Frazier 11-1-2022 (one year after Robin’s passing) Greenfield IN, Belton TX Robin Frazier