Letter to the Editor: Student loan forgiveness sets a horrible precedent


To the Editor:

In response to the article [opinion column] of Tuesday, June 21st by Kelly Hawes.

I totally disagree with Mr. Hawes advocating the forgiveness of student loans.

How will this affect future habits on loan repayment?

Will this add to inflation?

The issue is are you getting a degree or immersing yourself in the college experience?

I wonder what percentage of college students love off campus? Getting the degree should be the number one priority. It can be done without accruing a massive debt.

I did not attend college, but my late wife and my daughter both graduated with minimal debt. My wife graduated in 3 1/2 years and had $1,000 in debt. My daughter graduated with less than $4,000 in debt. Those balances were paid off in 6 months after graduation.

Did they go to Cancun, Panama City, Myrtle Beach?

No. They both worked spring break, all summer and while they were in school. Mr. Hawes wants them to pay for someone else’s bad decision while penalizing them for doing the right thing.

The power of a college degree should not be underestimated. It offers a leg up to a better life, higher earnings and more chances for advancement. With hard work and self-discipline, those debts can be paid off over time.

Student loan forgiveness sets a horrible precedent, rewarding lack of common sense and lack of discipline.

Simply, get your degree, get a job, pay back the money.

Sadly, you may not see Cancun.

Robert Heiden
