Clip Clop Clovers 4-H club meets for April


GREENFIELD — The Clip-Clop Clovers 4-H Club resumed in-person meetings in April at the St. James Lutheran Church.

Megan Bell called the meeting to order, Seth Eads led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Alexis Eads led the 4-H Pledge. Minutes were read by Megan Bell, and roll call was taken by Hannah Eads. The treasurer’s report was given by Seth Eads.

Alexis Eads gave the inspirational message. The discussion of old business included record-keeping and Junior Leaders. The new business discussion included damps and workshops.

As a service project, Alexis Eads collected aluminum cans for the Kenneth Butler Soup Kitchen and food for the Hancock County Food Pantry. She also collected plastic bottle caps for another 4-H club and mad crafts for the nursing home food trays. Owen and Ryan Eads gave a science demonstration on “magic color-changing milk” and led singing.

The meeting was adjourned for recreation and making crafts.

For more information about 4-H, call the Purdue Extension office at 317-462-1113.