C.O. Montgomery: Letting our history be our guide

C.O. Montgomery

I really enjoyed my latest issue of “The Log Chain,” a publication of the Hancock County Historical Society. It is well-written and enlightening. This month’s issue focuses on Black History Month and racial ethnicity in Hancock County.

An article that struck my interest was one about Jared C. Meek, reputed to be the first child born in Greenfield. Mark Sullivan does a good job of describing Greenfield and Hancock County’s ethic background. Even in the early days of our county, we had a diverse ethnicity. It then was made up of a few Indian tribes, primarily the Delaware Indians. My friend and former neighbor Mike Kester is the president of the society.

Another friend of mine, Joe Skvarenina, wrote about George Knox. I have had the pleasure of collaborating with Joe on a couple of his many books. George Knox, who was Black, was a very successful barber, civil war veteran, former slave, and later an influential newspaperman.

I thought the comments of “The Log Chain” were very timely. Our country is in a very divisive time and situation. Why so? Some would say it is because we Republicans caused it. Others would say that it is because the Democrats took over; and President Joe Biden is trying to undo the Trump years. I submit it is a little of both. Please become a student of history. Please, folks, quit trying to lay the blame one one party or ideology.

These ideological arguments have been an ongoing discussion from the time our Founding Fathers broke away from England. Has history taught us anything? Yes, it has. It has taught us that as long mortal men are in charge, we mortals are probably going to make a mess of things.

I recently came across a tweet by author Jon Gordon. “Think about all that you worry and stress about. Think about the people you’re angry at and the fights you’re engaged in. Now, remember that one day you will die. It may sound morbid, but it’s true. In the end how do you want to spend your time and less energy? Love more. Fight less.”

The interesting part about our Hancock County history is that it is naturally interwoven into our country’s history. In an earlier column, I wrote that politics and social unrest is indeed cyclical. Today, there is talk of certain states seceding from the United States. Some have argued that this is a constitutional right. Sorry, folks, it is not. In 1869, the Supreme Court ruled unilateral secession is unconstitutional. Oddly enough, that same Supreme Court said that revolution or consent could lead to a successful secession. During the years 1860 and 1861, 11 Southern states did declare to secede. As everyone knows, they went on to form the Confederate States of America. It collapsed in 1865 with the defeat by Union armies.

Now, I ask you folks in 2021, do we really want another Civil War? I say unequivocally NO! George Orwell’s famous book “1984” tells us of a future world where “Big Brother” would be watching you. Well, folks, the year 1984 will soon be four decades in the rear-view mirror. Orwell’s predictions did come to fruition. Interestingly enough, Steve Jobs wasn’t even born until about six years after Orwell’s book. Nowadays, thanks to Steve Jobs, we have the iPhone. Technology is great. I also submit to you that it provides the technology to spread dissension.

I have lived long enough to be an eyewitness, (via technology), to many riots, from the 1968 Democratic Convention, to the attempt, on Jan. 6, to hijack our national Capitol.

So, where are we going with all this? From the earliest settlement of Hancock County to the attempted takeover of our government, I submit that as long as mortal men are in charge, we will continue to have chaos. Does it need to be this way? The answer is “sort of.”

Once again, I implore you to become a student of history. It has been said that if we do not study history, we will be doomed to repeat it. That I firmly believe. God makes us mortals very passionate people. If we truly believe in our ideals, we are ready to die for them. I submit for the sake of humanity we all must figure out a way to get along.

Another famous saying goes like this: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting different results. I submit that we need to study history, not rewrite it; we definitely need to figure out a way to get along.

C.O. Montgomery of New Palestine is a former teacher and former Sugar Creek Township trustee. He is now on the board of Love INC.