Local residents earn college and university honors


Local residents earn college and university honors

Johnson named to University

of Evansville dean’s list

EVANSVILLE — Blake Johnson, Greenfield, was recently named to the fall semester dean’s list for the University of Evansville. To merit the honor of being placed on the Dean’s List, a student must have carried a full academic load of 12 hours or more and have earned a grade point average of 3.5 or above. Johnson is a public health major. To learn more about the University of Evansville, visit evansville.edu on line.

Petry named to Columbia

College of Missouri dean’s list

COLUMBIA, MISSOURI — Evelyn Petry, Greenfield, was named to the recently announced dean’s list for the 2020 fall semester for Columbia College of Missouri. To be named to the dean’s list, a student must have completed 12 semester hours in a 16-week period and achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0-point scale. Petry is an online student. For more information about Columbia College of Missouri, visit ccis.edu.

Trine University announces honors lists, includes Greenfield residents

ANGOLA — Trine University recently released its list of honors students for the 2020 fall semester.

To earn President’s List honors, students must complete a minimum of 12 hours and have a grade point average of 3.750-4.000. Included on the list were Greenfield residents Samuel Blocher, majoring in mechanical engineering; Tyler Murphy, majoring in design engineering technology; and Calvin Rizzo, majoring in civil engineering. David Hockett, New Palestine, majoring in General Studies, and Konner Schieman, Fortville, majoring in Forensic Science, were also on the list.

To earn Dean’s List honors, students must complete a minimum of 12 hours and have a grade point average of 3.500-3.749. Named to the Dean’s List were: Madison Clutinger, Wilkinson, a finance major; Brandon Murphy, Greenfield, majoring in management; and Logan Sawyer, McCordsville, majoring in computer information science. For more information about Trine University, visit trine.edu.

Jones named to Bob Jones University President’s List

GREENVILLE, SC — Anna Johnson, Greenfield, was one of 600 students to be named to the Bob Jones University President’s List for high academic achievement during the Fall 2020 semester. To qualify for the President’s List, students must earn a 3.75 or higher grade point average for the semester. Johnson is a nursing major. For more information about Bob Jones University, visit bju.edu.