Program featuring Fortville airing next week

Fortville will be featured in WIPB's "Now Entering" series, which features small towns throughout the state.

FORTVILLE — A television program airs next week highlighting the story of Fortville, told by those who live, work and play there.

“Now Entering Fortville” will run from 8 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, on WIPB-TV, a PBS station based at Ball State University in Muncie. It will also stream on

Eighteen stories make up the program, told by those who’ve lived and continue to live them. They include subjects like the town’s history, growing up there and the Mt. Vernon school system. Segments about the local library, faith community, dining and commerce are featured as well. Also part of the lineup are Kammy’s Kause, an annual fundraiser for a rare illness that gets bigger every year; and Fortville Action Inc., an organization that strives for the betterment of the town through projects and events it leads.

And what would a story about Fortville be without time devoted to the martini-toasting pink elephant statue standing outside Elite Beverages?

A WIPB-TV pledge drive will accompany the program, and some of the Fortville interviewees will help man the phones. Those who become members of WIPB-TV will get a “Now Entering Fortville” DVD, which includes bonus footage.

“It’s your stories; we just put it together,” said Sam Clemmons, a producer at WIPB-TV, to a group of some of the interviewees at a screening of the program at Fortville Church of the Nazarene earlier this month. “I think it’ll be a good show. I think people will get a nice impression of Fortville.”

Fortville is WIPB-TV’s 10th installment of its “Now Entering” series featuring Indiana towns.

“We love doing these things,” Clemmons said. “For one thing, we get to meet great people, exciting people, people who are passionate about whatever their interest is.”

Fortville was probably the most difficult “Now Entering” chapter for the station to do, Clemmons said.

“Not because of you,” he assured the group, “because of the times we’re in.”

WIPB-TV announced its call-out for Fortville stories in February 2020, with plans to conduct interviews in April and air the program in June. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck in March, it pushed the interviews into August, Clemmons told the Daily Reporter.

He also said about 26 or 27 people signed up for the initial interview date, but that several couldn’t participate after the change due to other commitments, non-COVID related illness or choosing to refrain from going out in public due to the pandemic.

“I think there’s 18 good stories,” Clemmons said at the screening. “I’m sure your town will be well represented as people watch it.”

Nancy Strickland, executive director of the Fortville/McCordsville Chamber of Commerce, is one of the storytellers in the program. In it, she talks about growing up in Fortville and her late father, James “Jim” DeLong, who served as town marshal for 33 years.

The screening exceeded her expectations.

“I’m just very excited about it,” she said. “I knew it was going to be great, because they’re professionals.”

Participating in the production was a unique experience, Strickland also said. She added she thinks the stories were chosen well and provide a good representation of the town from the time of its formation to the present.

“I think the storytellers help make you understand what Fortville is about and what it’s like to be in a small town like this,” she said.

Strickland doesn’t think viewers have to be from Fortville to enjoy the program, adding it should appeal to those in surrounding communities as well.

“Now Entering Fortville” provides plenty to discover about the town, she continued.

“There are things I learned, and I’ve spent my whole life here and grew up here,” she said.

[sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”If you watch” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

WHAT: “Now Entering Fortville”

WHEN: 8 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29

