Off the Shelves – October 2



New items are available at the Hancock County Public Library.

The following items are available at the Hancock County Public Library, 900 W. McKenzie Road. For more information on the library’s collection or to reserve a title, visit

Adult Fiction

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“Lake Like a Mirror,” by Ho Sok Fong

“Lake Like a Mirror” is an exploration of the lives of women buffeted by powers beyond their control. Squeezing themselves between the gaps of urbanization, patriarchal structures and a theocratic government, women find their lives twisted in disturbing ways. Author Ho Sok Fong draws her readers into a world of naked sleepwalkers in a rehabilitation center for wayward Muslims, mysterious wooden boxes, gossip between unlicensed hairdressers, hotels with amnesiac guests, and poetry classes with accidentally charged politics. It is a world peopled with the ghosts of unsaid words, unmanaged desires and uncertain statuses.

Adult Nonfiction

“Anger is My Middle Name: a Memoir,” by Lisbeth Zornig Anderson

Born into a violently dysfunctional home in working-class Denmark, Lisbeth Zornig Andersen and her three older brothers were bounced between foster care and state-run institutions, then back again to their chemically dependent mother and sadistic stepfather. For Lisbeth, it was a childhood without perimeters. It was blighted by poverty, sexual abuse, neglect, betrayal and further victimization by the broken Danish social services system that forced Lisbeth to live where and how it saw fit. Coming of age with a myriad of fears and emotional disorders, Lisbeth had three things that would become driving forces in her life: she was extraordinarily bright, extremely willful and exceptionally angry. From hell to liberation, this is Lisbeth’s memoir told in two voices: that of a young girl who was unwanted, challenged, and defiant, and that of a woman who channeled her rage into a positive force as an advocate for children’s rights.