Letter to the editor: Hancock County voters should sit up and take notice

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To the editor:

I live in Cumberland, which is a pleasant community and relatively quiet on the Hancock County side. As my husband and I took our evening walk in the neighborhood, we noticed a large Trump-Pence sign in the yard of a neighbor. The next evening, we noticed the same sign, but in the street in front of their house was "BLM BLM" in chalk. The owners were washing some of it off best as they could but felt a bit intimidated.

I have never seen "MAGA2020" in front of a house with a Biden sign, or anything else for that matter. The Democrats only believe In free speech β€œfor me but not for thee.” This election is SO IMPORTANT. Never did I think I would live to see Americans actually voting for socialism/communism here. I suggest they talk to someone who has come from such a country. If BLM is in Hancock County, the citizens better sit up and take notice before it is too late. Get out and VOTE!

Janet Smith
