Letter to the editor: Columnist Adkins is out of touch with reality

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To the editor:

Michael Adkins and I have similar backgrounds. He is an intelligent man. We are fairly close to the same age. I believe we both have similar educational backgrounds. Mike has the God-given, constitutional right to express his opinions. The difference is he is so far left, that he is out of touch with reality ("How Trump will play to his base," Aug. 20, Page A6).

Time does not permit me to dissect his entire op-ed piece. However, allow me to say that I believe FDR was a great man. I firmly believe that my God is in charge of kings and presidents. I believe that God Almighty brought FDR into our American way of life at the right time. But FDR was a true socialist. I firmly believe that Donald Trump was placed here by God Almighty to get our country back on track. And to save our Republic from the evils of socialism.

Let’s look at Mike’s comments about the socialism of Venezuela. Do I believe if the group of Biden, Pelosi, Sanders and former President Obama (not to mention Hillary Clinton) would win this election, we would lean more toward socialism? You bet I do. Why? Because all of the above named said we would. (I thank them for their honesty).

Next, Mike is into revisionist history. I, too, have studied Eugene V. Debs’ form of socialism. I want NO part of it. I, for one, do not want my son and grandkids to live in a society like that.

Do I think President Trump is perfect? Far from it. I wish he would stop making asinine tweets. But The Donald is who he is. Mike, perhaps the next op-ed piece I write I can further address your points.

C.O. Montgomery

New Palestine