Letter to the editor: 4 reasons to oppose the McClarnon Drive extension


To the editor:

As a 30-year resident of Walnut Woods, I am adamantly opposed to the McClarnon Drive Extension.

1. Building a bridge that would have to be elevated due to the terrain. (Flood plain both east and west over Brandywine Creek cutting through this area, which is a peaceful preserve for all kinds of wildlife and wildflowers.) This would involve cutting down trees, which would be environmentally unsound. This alone will be an astronomical cost.

2. The get east from State Road 9, an entire neighborhood (Walnut Ridge) would be divided, with traffic going dangerously close to homes.

3. East McClarnon Drive now has considerable traffic going in and out of Walnut Woods and delivery trucks going into  Kroger’s back entrance for food deliveries and to other stores as well in that strip mall. Now, grocery pickup has been added; therefore, cars as well.

4. This extension was taken out of the master plan 12 years ago and should remain so. This is the most inconsiderate, unmitigated takeover of good, established neighborhoods this is totally and irresponsibly unnecessary.

Patricia S. Robak
