Where They Stand Q&A: Robin Lowder


Five Republicans — Keely Butrum, Kent Fisk, Kirk Jocham, Robin Lowder and Ray Richardson — are running for nomination for three at-large seats on the Hancock County Council. The Daily Reporter asked all the candidates a series of questions about their qualifications. Each of their responses is posted in a separate story located under the “News” tab on our site.

The county council is the fiscal body for county government. What fiscal management background and experience makes you stand out as the best-qualified candidate for this position?

I have excellent qualifications due to my years of experience in county government. I have extensive education and knowledge in government financing, auditing county funds, budgeting, grants, redevelopments and abatements. This would be my first opportunity to be part of the fiscal decision-making in our county. I am excited to hopefully have a new role in our government. I had an opportunity to speak with the public every day for 27 years. I plan to continue this practice. My integrity, honesty and a strong work ethic have been proven during my years of service.

What factors would you use to determine whether a company should be granted a tax abatement?

These are some of the factors I would use to determine whether a company should be granted a tax abatement: I would review the history of the company. Do they have a history of being a stable company? Do they change locations only due to growth or out of necessity? I will check if the company appears to be growing and will have potential growth in the future. It is also important to have annual reviews to make certain the companies are fulfilling their commitments they agreed to in order to receive the tax abatements. These are important issues.

What strategy should the county be using to attract well-paying jobs to our borders?

To attract well-paying jobs to our borders we must be a well-rounded community. We must provide high-quality education, affordable housing, median and high-end housing, quality entertainment and shopping. This will attract companies that have higher-paying jobs.

Name three things that the council can do to be sure the county stays on a firm financial footing.

The best way for the county to stay on firm financial footing is to maintain healthy balances in our major funds. We can achieve this by setting target balances in these major funds. We also need to ensure we do not over-extend our county debt. At the same time, we must maintain a balance of not allowing our infrastructure to lack maintenance and also build new infrastructure when needed.

You have just learned that the county has received a $1 million grant to use as you see fit. How will you invest it?

If the county received a $1 million dollar grant to use as I saw fit, I would stipulate grant funds for our infrastructure. Then it could be used for roads, bridges, buildings (including our justice system) and other projects.

What should the council be doing to involve the public more in the council’s decision-making process?

We could possibly help involve the public in the council’s decision-making by making our meetings more available. We can do this by putting our meetings online on our website. The public can then watch the meetings at their convenience. Many counties have most of their county meetings on-line for the public to watch. I think if they are watching the meetings and hearing some of the explanations on what some of the decisions are based on, it will make it easier for them to understand why the council makes some of the decisions they do.